
Hey peoples!! This is my sunny blog. Enjoy reading about my weird everyday life and pictures!!!!! Ciao!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Puppy, Summer and Student Councils

Hey peoples!!! So I haven't written since May, and TONS has happened since then. So this summer, I went sailing for 9 days with a bunch of middle schoolers. Yeah that was gross. No showers. I also went to Pittsburgh and fell in looooooove Pittsburgh (which I was already in love with) and with OGC and now if I don't go to high school there, I will cry and go into depression and have a nervous breakdown. I'm only exaggerating slightly. And, most importantly, this summer... wait for it... I GOT A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Finally! His name is Schooner. He is now 5 months old, and adorable. He is a chocolate lab, 45 pounds, and the sweetest thing EVER. I love him lots. I'll post pics. School started, and I can't believe it's my last year already. When we moved, I was only in second grade. 6 years went by super fast. And this year we have a student council! I'm running for Public Relations Rep, and I'm pretty excited. Even though I think I'm the only one running for it... I'm not sure. Either way, I'm pretty psyched. It's gonna be a busy year. Looking at high schools, student council, homework, training our puppy, and whatever else happens. I'm pretty excited though. And we are having an Indian Summer. So for like, 3 or 4 days, it had been freezing cold, and we had had two frosts. But it had been getting cold for a long time. Then, today I wake up and it is almost 70 degrees! And tomorrow it is supposed to be 80! What is up with this? Its utterly ridiculous! What's with the heat? Siiiigh. Oh well. That's all for now. Ciao!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Puppies, Weekends and Yummy Food

Hey yalls! Sorry I was gone for so long, but I was on a field trip and obviously I didn't have my laptop. If I did I would have blogged. Probably. We were gone for 5 days, doing fun stuff. Soooo, I've spent all day reading and looking at puppies. I'm reading a book that I won't bore people with. You're welcome. The puppies are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're only 11 days old, but I've fallen in loooove with them. And now I need one. Really bad. I really do love the weekends. I get to sleep and waste time doing nothing. Doesn't that sound fun? It is. Sometimes. But, I have ice cream, cookies and BANANAS!!!!!!! So I'm good to go. Yum. Are you jealous now? You should be. Hehe. School gets out in like, 5 weeks and I'm so excited!!!!!!!! SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means swimming, sailing with friends, (yay) camp, choir camp, and other funness. Yup. I'm going on and on about stuff that no one needs or wants to know. So I'm gonna go now because this was the most random post ever. Ciao!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunny Days, Gardens, and Bubbles

Hey peoples!! It's so sunny!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!! And nice and warm so we're not baking to death. YAY!!!!!!! So since it was so sunny and warm we started working in our school garden today! We weeded, turned the compost (yuck), planted our grape vine, and got the garden cleaned up for planting next week if the weather's good. It looks so much better now!!!!!! And at recess we were blowing bubbles. Because bubbles are AWESOME!!!!!!! Admit it. Everyone loves bubbles. Even grumpy people. They're like rubber duckies. They always make people smile! Except then I was sad, because I couldn't find my awesome giant scented bubbles. But it's okay, because I will look for them. And hopefully find them. So yay spring!!!!!!! In case you're wondering, I add the random words in yellow becase, a) I'm random, b) they make the posts look happy, and c) they make the words look cool, and d) because I'm random. Yes I said I'm random twice. Guess why. Ciao!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rain, Cats, and Chocolate

Hey everybodies. It's raining outside. (: I'm sitting in the kitchen where it's all cozy and warm. And there is chocolate... which just about means that this day is off to a perfect start. Except one little thing. I wish I was still asleep. Anyhoo, moving on, the chocolate is slowly waking me up. So are the meowing cats, who aren't meowing anymore but were a few minutes ago. And I'm wearing my awesome Snoopy shirt. Speaking of Snoopy, what is the little yellow bird thing? I've always wondered that. Anyvays, the little bird thing is adorable. Just sayin'. Soooo that's it for now... Ciao!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Allergies, Shopping and Cookie Monster

Hey everybody!!! I'm back. Eating grapes. Anyhoo, so it's spring, which means... wait for it... ALLERGIES!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup. I have allergies. I'm sorry, trees, for using so many tissues. But, moving on, I LOVE SHOPPING!!!!! And I'm super happy, because I went shopping yesterday. And I get to go again on Saturday. Yes I am bragging. Shopping is FUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Anyhoo, we can move on now that I've bragged a lot. So when I was shopping, I got the most awesome shirt ever. A Cookie Monster shirt. Cookie Monster RULES!!!!! And the people who changed him to Veggie Monster can get over themselves. Cookie Monster will always be Cookie Monster. Veggies will never be as cool as cookies. They just won't. It's one of those unchangeable facts of life. Anyvays, happy spring to all you, and for those of us who have allergies, we'll suffer through it. Ciao!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sleep, Annoying Ways To Wake Up, and Toast

I'm back again!!!!! In case you didn't notice... So today I was going to sleep in, but I woke up to possibly one of the most annoying ways to wake up. A cat. I love cats, but at 8:30 in the morning, a yowling, screaming cat down the hall is not the most pleasant thing in the world. Especially when you are trying to sleep as late as you possibly can. Which I do because I am lazy. While we're on the subject (by we I mean me) another annoying way to wake up is ALARM CLOCKS!!! But I'm being annoying by complaining, so MOVING ON... after my incredibly unpleasant wake-up, I came downstairs. And had yummy toast. So far, that is the best part of my day... how pathetic is that? Sigh. Anyhoo... I'm gonna go now. Ciao!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Break, Pittsburgh and Puppies

Hey yalls!!! I'm baaaaack! No I am not a sheep, I just felt the urge to write the letter A a million times. Because I'm special. Anyhoo, moving on... It's finally April Break! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! So we're in Pittsburgh... which is awesoooome. I loooove it. I also love break, because break means SLEEEEEEP!!!!! And I'm lazy so sleep is amazing for me. So are puppies. Especially labs. Black labs are the cutest things on earth. Besides me. I'm so modest right? I can't wait for summer. Even though I don't like summer because it is so freaking hot, I get to do fun stuff. Like sailing. And camp. And music. And family coming. Yup. It's pretty awesome. And choir starts next week. I'm pretty psyched. Did I spell that right? I don't know. Anyhoos, I'm realllllllyyyyyyy hyyyyppeeeeeer, so I'm gonna go. Tootles! (: