
Hey peoples!! This is my sunny blog. Enjoy reading about my weird everyday life and pictures!!!!! Ciao!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am amazing. Officially.

I'm back! So today in gym class we did archery. And I was all nervous, because I have never even held a bow in my whole entire life, let alone shoot one. Anyhoo, so we went down to the neighbor's house (we had a guest teacher who bow hunts to show us how to shoot) and the targets were all set up and ready to go, right? Anyways, so he was telling us how to hold the bow, what draw weight means, what "knocking" means, (I was actually kind of surprised when I knew what the heck he was talking about, I guess it's because my older brother knows all these things) how he uses a tree stand and he showed us his safety harness he uses when he uses the tree stand (I'm pretty sure it's called a tree stand. But I may be wrong.) Then he was telling us all these cool stories about his hunting experiences. Finally we were ready to shoot. Well, everybody else was. Not me. I have this little issue with sports. I'm good at hurting things. Mainly those things are me. I'm not a very athletic person. Well, I can ride horses without killing anything. And I can ice skate. Sort of. I can go without falling, but not really fast. Yet. But anyways, moving on, everybody else had experience with bows. As in, they've all shot bows. A lot. Like, one girl even owns her own bow. So I was all, "I'm gonna die." And then we were knocking our arrows (basically putting the arrow on the string) and the tip of my arrow kept falling of the front of the bow, and I was practically shaking I was so nervous, the he told us to shoot, and for some odd reason I like, couldn't let go. My hand wouldn't let go of the string. I finally got it. Guess where the arrow went? Yeah. The ground. So the next time the same thing happened. By now you're probably guessing why this post title says I feel amazing. Wait for it. Drum roll please. On the third try. I. Hit. The. Target. I'm serious! And yeah, on the fourth, fifth and sixth tries I didn't, but I was really close on all of them. On the fourth one, the arrow skimmed the top. But on the third one, when I actually hit the target, I was standing there all calmly, because I was all "Obviously I'm not gonna hit it," then I saw my arrow in the target, and I started like, screaming. I was all "OH MY GOSH! I HIT IT!!!!" And I was jumping up and down, you'd think I won the Olympics or something. So yeah. Now I like, want to go shoot stuff. It's addicting. Really addicting. Really addicting. I want a bow. Really bad. Anyhoo, yeah. That was my awesome afternoon. I shot my first bow. And I got a target. YAY ME! I'm just a little excited. Tootles!

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