
Hey peoples!! This is my sunny blog. Enjoy reading about my weird everyday life and pictures!!!!! Ciao!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sopranos, Altos and Winter

Well, I have to say I am very excited. This blog is a little peep into my world, so what I do, things I'm excited about, etc etc. Sooooooooooooooooooo today was the first day of chorus, which I am very excited about. Except I was with the altos, but then I couldn't sing very well because those altos sing so looowwwww. So I'm moving to the sopranos next week. Yay! I'm enjoying the rainy weather that returned. Sitting inside my kitchen where it's all cozy and warm. This is my favorite time of year, this in-between autumn and winter. Oooooooh I just love it. I love how it gets dark so early in the evening, it gives such a cozy feeling. I also love rainy days that come with this time of year, the clouds, and the marshmallows that go into cocoa. I love walking my dog in the crisp air. (He likes it too!) I can just feel winter coming. Can't you?
I'm very excited about our mapping project that we are doing in Social Studies. We are making a map of our island, which will be 3-D (awesome I know!). I'm also really excited about January. Even though that's two months away. Which is a long time. A really long time. A really long time. Anyway, in January, we get to go on the Middle School Retreat. Which is where the middle schoolers from Islesford, Monhegan, Matinicus, and sometimes Cliff Island, all get together in some cool place, and hang out for a weekend. So part of Friday and Saturday. Yeah I know it's not for two months, but I'm the kind of person who gets excited early. Like, really early. Anyhoo, that's all for now. Bye!

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